lunes, junio 15, 2009

Di tagged..

Ni memandai je ni amik tag dr Gaga..
anyway thanx Ga..:)

1.nana rosli!
2. hazmira aka mea
3. diba
4. fizi
5. nad
6. atikah salleh
7. silvia prihety
8. ruby mok2
9. po+yaty...gagagaga

how do you know 1?
Which Nana? huhu, jz knoe Nana's Oleo, sorry..

what would you do if you never meet 2?
Mea? huwwaa, x knal Mea, x kecoh la kls Spain tu..tpkse v wat keje lebih..hehe

what would you do if 3 & 4 dated?
hah? i dun knoe both of them! huhu, no comment for it!

would 5 & 6 make a good couple?
haha, of coz not!!

do you think 7 is attractive?
haha, wel my fren say yes..

would you date 8?
she is a girl, rite? haha, of coz not!!

tell me something about 9
ehmm, her name myb Norhayati, haha..

what's 1's favourite past time?
huhu, dun knoe..

what language does 2 speaks?
Manglish!! Haha, confident!!

who is 3 going out with?
Ehmm, no idea..

how old is 4?

when was the last time you talked to 5?
hehe, never maybe..

who is 6's favorite singer?
Search myb..hahah

would you date 7?
hehehe. silvi? would u be my date? gagagga
haha..spe nih?? boleh2..:P

is 8 single?
married..huahaha, kidding!

what's 9's last name?
huhuhuhuhu..dun knoe..:(

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