Our industrial training already passed half of its lifetime..hehe..means only half left..
Ehmm, all of us, for sure have been adapted with all this working routine, rite?
Start at 8am and finish at 5pm..
no more nap, no more free time , n no more time to play around oso, except in Weekend!!
Ehmm, have u all feel all of dis routine b4??
Some maybe yes, some maybe no..
But, have u ready to pass dis type of life in the next 3 or 4 year onwards??
Haha, frankly speaking, i'm not ready yet!!
Hehe, maybe coz i still love Uni life so much, n maybe i'm just too young to be in dis condition..(am I?hehe)
However, gonna turn 21 next month..
A stage of life when u've already respected as adult!!
Ehmm, scary, stil feel so little, so unmatured!
But one thing for still go on..
Wel, juz prepare myself to pass all unpredictable things in the future..
Wish a great luck for all of us!!:)