Copy award nih macam dapat grammy award
- bagitahu siapa and link blog orang yang bagi award nih
- tajuk post korang mesti ada perkataan 'FIVE' cam high FIVE, or 'FIVE je ker ??
1. Five names people called me:
- Sil
- V
- Silvi
- Via
- Eppy
2. Five important dates in my life:
- 0707 (My day.. ;) )
- 1212 (Mama's)
- 1610 (Etheng's)
- 1501 (Iyan's)
- 1612 (Papa's)
3. Five things I done yesterday:
- Bertungkus lumus siapkan tesis -_-"
- Submit draf tesis kt SV
- Gi meronggeng @ Metro Kajang
- Makan sizzling nyum nyum
- Online
4. Five ways to be happy
- Berangan.. hak hak
- Doing anything related to art!
- Hang out with friends
- Msg him, call him, meet him :)
- Simply listening to fav songs
5. Five Favourite Movies:
- My Name is Khan (latest movie I watched)
- Ever After (1st movie I watched at Cinema!)
- All movies yg leh wat gelak sampai tegolek2..
- All movies yg leh wat nangis sampai meleleh2; n
- All movies I watch with him :D
6. Five Favourite Hobbies:
- Talking king king
- Singing nging nging
- Travelling ling ling
- Onlinee; n
- Berangan ;p
7. Five Favourite Peoples:
- Papa :)
- Agatha Christie (my fav novelist!)
- Profesor Dr. Jumat Salimon (ceh!)
- Caring n daring President!
- Dia yang selalu di hati.. ahay..
8. Five Favourite Places for Vacation:
- 4 seasons countries!
- All countries I haven't visited yet
- All countries I can visit in FREE trip :D
- All countries I can visit with him; n
- My home sweet home~
9. Five Reasons I Answer The Survey: (survey ke ni??)
- Sbb nk menghilangkan kantuk sambil menunggu kain yang direndam kt bilik air
- Sbb xde kawan nk diajak borak
- Sbb xde kain yg nk dilipat
- Sbb bilik dah kemas
- Sbb cik Nilam dah tag
10. Five Persons to Tag
6 comentarios:
my name ade di pertanyaan nomer 10??
kalo nomor tujuh yang option paling bawah tuh siape??
haha, yoi, buat jugo ye.. mun dak ngerti, roger aq.. hehe..
klo no 7 tuh, option yg paling bwh, merujuk ke soal no 4 option no 4.. hahaha
v...sila jempot award anda di blog sy..:)
v...amek award kat blok kte..
jgn amek kat dewi punye..
sebuk je dewi
Prof Jumat one of ur FAVORITE person??? whoa~!!!
cik Nilam & zaradgreat: hoho, ok2, nti award tu kite amik ye.. pending jap.. mls nk tag owg.. hehe
Keat Swan: weee.. ;p
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